Computer Science Super Heros!

This page will cover 3 different computer sciecne super heros

Margret Hamilton

Margret Hamlin

Margaret Hamilton was born on August 17, 2936 and is still currently alive.

She studied at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. Her contribution to computer science was helping write computer code for 2 modules used on the Apollo 11 mission.

She was one of the first software programmers and helped create the term 'software engineer'. Margaret was awarded the Presidential medal of freedom.Something interesting about Hamlin is that she took a research position at MIT to help pay for grad school, and this is where she had her first encounter with a computer.

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791 and died on October 18, 1871.

He graduated from Cambridge University. Charles is know for having invented the first automatic digital computer, the analytical engine, and the difference engine.

The difference engine construction require the development of mechanical engineering. Some interesting things about him is that he helped establish the modern day postal system in England. He also invested a type of speedometer and the locomotive cowcatcher. Charles has received a gold medal of the royal astronomical society. He also co-founded the analytical society which promoted mathematics and reforming mathematics.

Elizabeth Feinler

Elizabeth Feinler

Elizabeth was born March 2, 1931 and is currently still alive. (She is 91)

She graduated West Liberty University in West Liberty, WV with a degree in chemistry in 1954. She did graduate work in biochemistry at Purdue University. Elizabeth also joined the Shuman Chemical Co. and did work on nutritional supplements for sufferers of phenylketonuria. In 1958 was a part of Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus, OH as Assistant Editor for the Chemical Abstracts 5th Decennial Index.

She was an information scientist in the Information Research Department at SRI International in 1960. She worked to provide the first reference library service on the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) She also had a part in Defense Data Network (DDN)as well as network information centers (NIC) After retiring she became a frequent volunteer at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.